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Saturday, January 21, 2012


So, times flies when you are re-thinking your outlook.

Sorry for the disappearing act. And the videos which I didn't realize had turned the page loading into molasses in winter.

For anyone who has read any of my personal reactions to recent events concerning the 'industry' end of the gaming world you might note that it has truly disturbed me.

I have wanted to consolidate things back into as few blogs as possible and have decided to slim way back and use that time to work on several projects both game related and home related (we've had an electrical issue with part of the house for some time and it is just finally time to address, etc) to get some things finished.

This is the one place where you will always find me. I purchased this domain so no matter what I would have one fixed point in the universe. Where ever the server space might be the name shall remain the same.

After considering stats on my other blogs, the time involved in them and the results I have decided to just let some rest and let some coast. I have covered a wide variety of topics on the plethora of blogs that I have (tried) to maintain, but I find it time to focus down on the subjects that interest me the most.

I hope that readers continue to find the posts worth their time and will update more as time permits.

This site will get back on a regular schedule asap but a lot of prep work needs to be done to get ready for the electricians visit so it will be scattered posting for now.

I hope this finds all well and as always-play often play hard


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