The above is now active.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Yes, still here and pumping. Just a LOT going on right now.

But fear not brave reader, your travel to this blog will not be in vain. Just dealing with several home issues (I believe I mentioned preparing for an electrician to visit, add an out of country trip for the wife and mix in a healthy dose of, get the idea).

I will be getting some videos up again, but I'm going to use my CRoA Tumblr blog for video. The pages load faster and the video is easier to embed. More on that later.

CRoA will be taking on a lot more load in the weeks to come but it will save having to click all around for posts. Plus I own the domain so it can travel, what with Google screwing everything up, is likely to happen.

Oh, and I'm resurrecting the zine...

I'm tired. More soon.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


So, times flies when you are re-thinking your outlook.

Sorry for the disappearing act. And the videos which I didn't realize had turned the page loading into molasses in winter.

For anyone who has read any of my personal reactions to recent events concerning the 'industry' end of the gaming world you might note that it has truly disturbed me.

I have wanted to consolidate things back into as few blogs as possible and have decided to slim way back and use that time to work on several projects both game related and home related (we've had an electrical issue with part of the house for some time and it is just finally time to address, etc) to get some things finished.

This is the one place where you will always find me. I purchased this domain so no matter what I would have one fixed point in the universe. Where ever the server space might be the name shall remain the same.

After considering stats on my other blogs, the time involved in them and the results I have decided to just let some rest and let some coast. I have covered a wide variety of topics on the plethora of blogs that I have (tried) to maintain, but I find it time to focus down on the subjects that interest me the most.

I hope that readers continue to find the posts worth their time and will update more as time permits.

This site will get back on a regular schedule asap but a lot of prep work needs to be done to get ready for the electricians visit so it will be scattered posting for now.

I hope this finds all well and as always-play often play hard


Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Ok, will be off the usual schedule for a couple days. Insomniac Theater is already loaded up and ready to go and I HAVE to finish re-arranging my office/man cave or I will lose what little mind I have left.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Don't Have Jack Squat

for my afternoon post. Still reeling from yesterday.

Hmmmm...let's see...what isn't about the topic that will no longer be posted...oh..I know:

The City Indexed

(from the blog)

The Weird Adventures Index is online. It can be reached from this post or the link under "Pages" in the sidebar. It continues to be a work in progress, but there are already a lot of posts in a wide array of topics to review. Which topics got a heading and which ones didn't is a bit arbitrary--and subject to future revision.

And if this is a dupe then it's the post so nice I flagged it twice :)

Boromir's Guide to Deck Construction-Part One

Boromir's Guide to Deck Construction-Part One

A Lord of the Rings: The Card Game spotlight on successful solo play

The lone traveler’s journey

The game has also found a good measure of success due to its rich solitaire play, but while confronting the challenges of Middle-earth may lead to memorable game experiences, they can also frustrate players with less experience in games with deck construction. The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game is unique among these games in that players compete against the forces of Shadow, as controlled by an encounter deck and its artificial intelligence. Still, the encounter deck has its fair share of devious tricks and an arsenal of deadly weapons. Accordingly, it is no simple thing to master the encounter deck and succeed at your quests.

Today, then, we begin a three-part series of deck-building tutorials aimed at the new solo player, but one that should contain helpful information (and reminders) for players of all experience levels.

Read more:

Monday, January 9, 2012

D&D5e - Reactions

Needless to say this was expected but I was a little surprised when I saw the news. I guess they figured Paizo was going to win this Q in sales as well so they needed to drop some kind of bomb.

I, for one, do not believe a word that WotC / Hasbro say anymore and have decided to no longer support their efforts in new D&D editions.

This will be the last coverage of this subject, but since it does impact this community I thought it best to seek out the reactions on Day Zero to the announcement.

Let's get started:

Hack & Slash: On Sheer Idiocy

New York Times can't keep a secret.

This is a sad day for mankind.

"We can't write a game good enough for people to want to buy, so why don't you tell us how?"
-Wizards of the Coast

I've got too many good games to play. Thanks though.

Unofficial Games: D&D 5th edition

Maybe they can put the cat back in the bag, I doubt it though. Part of the problem is, most of the good DIY work, doesn't lend itself well to their current business model, by the nature of "DIY".

Sorcery & Super Science!: 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons is Here

Unsurprising, IMO. I've also received confirmation that the announcement could have happened up to a year ago which is, according to my memory, when rumors really started among fellow publishers.

According to WotC there will be a first-draft of the new rules available for attendees of the Jan 2012 D&D Experience. Another point of confirmation regarding the duration of 5e development.

Knights Of The Black Banner: 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

So 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons is officially on the way and Wizards of the Coast want to know how to keep current players happy while bringing back everyone who disliked 4th Edition and hopefully getting some new blood into the hobby too.

That's a wonderful idea, but sadly magic isn't real and this isn't going to happen. Wizards of the Coast have a track record of dividing the audience of both Dungeons & Dragons and Star Wars by assuming players are interested in "upgrading" to a new rules system simply because the company decided it was time to release one. Since this is utterly false, Wizards of the Coast needs a new strategy.

The Warlock's Home Brew: D&D Evolutions

So, now WOTC is going to pass the buck and let the game be designed by a bunch of fickle gamers. WOTC can say don't bitch at us, we gave the community exactly what they wanted. Nice to show some real cajones.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


2011 was a year overflowing with goodness and badness (and I'm talking about 5 months worth of constant storm warnings and a microburst that capped it off with a hole through the roof in my case). So now that we have driven a stake through its stout heart let's look about the chamber for some missed treasures.

Now, I always assume everyone sees the same world that I do so I tend to pass over sharing things things I figure everyone already knows about. So this time I'm just going to dive in head first and apologies for items that may be better known and a few that might truly be hidden treasure.

For our expedition we will enter The Caves of DriveThruRpg (and please while you are looting the tomb take time to consider other items that cost a bit of coin, like the release of LEGEND for $1, that are well worth the cost).

So, you have done the sign up and away we go:

The Cooperative Dungeon Collection (01 - 04)

Just read the descriptions to these 4...and then click Add To Cart...just do it...

650 Fantasy City Encounter Seeds & Hooks

Need inspiration for city encounters? With a whopping 650 entries, this PDF will give you ideas for years of urban adventures and campaigns.

Gathered from entries in the Roleplaying Tips Celebrates 500 contest, this PDF offers you the creative genius and perspectives of dozens of GMs worldwide.

A Players Guide to Castlemourn

Castlemourn is a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting where kingdoms fight for power through political intrigue and outright warfare; where the brave seek their fortunes in dangerous ruins, and where everyone fears the unspeakable evil that shadows the land.

A Player’s Guide to Castlemourn is a 40-page introduction to the lands of Mourna. It will allow you to create and run a character with basic knowledge of the setting using current Third Edition rules. The Guide includes original
fiction by Ed Greenwood!

d20 Modern Collection

If you want to build something in the way of a modern setting, be it fantastic, scientific or just wherever your imagination takes you then this is THE toolbox. The 6 volumes are available individually but this loads them all at once into your cart.

Get it!

Assassin's Amulet - Free Sample

This recent release I followed through its development phase (and even voted on the winning cover illustration :) and can say that this sample should have you returning for the full release in short order.

Check it out:

Ok, there are 5 excuses to stay up late reading tonight and when the boss asks why you look like something the cat dragged in you can blame me :)

The "Ultimate" Fantasy World Map

Nice find (courtesy of The Weirdlands of Xhuul) :

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Ok, if it don't snow and we all have to go about a regular routine then how in the hell are we going to get any blogging done? Who's in charge here? I want to speak to management! :)

Ok, enough noise. The Wrap starts a little earlier than usual now that it occupies the 8:00am slot on the CRoA schedule and if you just aren't ready to take on The Wrap yet jump back a day and do some videos with coffee...go ahead, the goodies will still be here when you get back, I promise.

So, here we go:

The Complete Works of Lovecraft eBook Now in PDF

If you have been waiting for a real collection here it is and you can't beat the price.

Stocking The Dungeon: The Dungeon is under new ownership!

After a hiatus and a change of authors the blog is back. And before you pass this over you might want to drop in and catch some of the recent posts.

or just drop straight in:

Hideouts & Hoodlums RPG: The Trophy Case #6 is out now! « Steve Lopez's Big Blog o'Fun
(from the blog)

Great Scott Games has released the latest quarterly issue of the official Hideouts & Hoodlums magazine: The Trophy Case #6 is available now, and it’s free for download!

3 Generations After The End: An Introduction - The Gamer Assembly

(from the blog)

The Apocalypse Introduced Magic

The sky collapsed. The sun vanished. The moon cracked. Waves plunged the cities into the sea. Airplanes fell from the sky.

And the wizards, warlocks, and witches of olden times returned. These may be related.

Armchair Gamer: Piecemeal System Reviews: Saving Throws in D&D and related systems

(from the blog)

First Encounters

To be honest, I didn't hate saving throws at first. D&D was the only RPG I'd ever played, so I figured that saving throws were how you handled certain things.

Sadly, it was the vagueness of what those "certain things" were what initially gave me trouble. Unless it was explicitly stated in the rulebook, I didn't call for saving throws. And because of that it was hard for me to judge when -- in an adventured I'd created -- something would get a saving throw unless such a thing was stated in the monster description, or spell description, or magic item description.

Greyhawk Grognard: The Specious Model Railroading Analogy

(from the blog)

Recently, Ryan Dancy was quoted in an article in The Escapist where he repeated the canard that the tabletop RPG industry is "becoming a dead hobby", because it's falling into the same pattern as the model railroading industry:

"Kids stopped playing with trains, and the businesses that remained dedicated to hobbyists who got more disposable income as they grew up, until the price of the hobby was out of reach of anyone except those older hobbyists. Eventually, it became a high-end hobby with very expensive products, sold to an ever-decreasing number of hobbyists. As those folks die, the hobby shrinks. That is what is happening to the tabletop RPG business."

The exact same argument (nearly word for word, interestingly), was recently featured in an anonymous guest post over at Wise Fugaros' blog

Read the rest and reactions at:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Breakfast with Paizo-Feature Premiere

So, as I was saying, you got the Paizo Beginners Box for Christmas or maybe lucked out and somebody sprang for the core books for you.

And you and your friends have agreed-THIS IS FUN!

Then, are gaming like crazy and wondering what next.

I'll help show you...for free no less...and remember, the world of 3.x is huge (3.x referring to the version of the rule set that started with 3.0, then 3.5 and has matured into what is unofficially called 3.75 with Pathfinder).

Let's start with a free zine:

(from the website)

Pathways #1

Showing you the Rite Pathways for the Taking!

How can you say "No" to a collection of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game haunts and templates, high-level foes and minor constructs, feats and domains, and all of it bundled together with a collected view of upcoming third-party products for the Pathfinder RPG? You'd have to be crazy to turn it down.

Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by Jonathan McNulty (Coliseum Morpheuon), T. H. Gulliver (#30 Haunts for Ships and Shores), Robert Emerson,and Steven D. Russell. Also you will find a retrospective look at the best third party products of 2010 by Endzeitgeist and Dark Mistress, and an interview with over 11 different Pathfinder-compatible publishers—including Dreamscarred Press, Open Design, and Super Genius Games!

Now this zine can be obtained directly from the Paizo site or from RPGnow. You have to sign up at either but it's free and only requires an email address.

The RPGnow page is:

Enjoy your breakfast :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

D&D Statistics

For those who love breaking down the stats these pages should be pure heaven.


(also, at the bottom, are the following links)

Dungeons & Dragons Statistics

D&D Ability Probabilities

Modeling Reality in Role-Playing Games

Dungeons and Dragons Mathematics

Pathfinder A.M.

A hearty good morning (or good evening depending on where in the world you are at this moment) and welcome to breakfast courtesy of Paizo.

This first item caught my eye and I wanted to share the link of the blog responsible for turning me onto this:

People them with Monsters

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds

Dropping 02-2012 for $19.99 (but already a pre-order at Amazon for $14.99) it looks like a fishing expedition but that's fine by me :)

I'm going to be doing these little breakfast bits for all those folks who might have scored the Pathfinder Beginners Box during the holidays. There's a ton of free stuff around that a crafty gamer just might put to good use while they are saving up for the core books (all 2 of them :).

Anyhow, look forward to the mornings and waking up with Paizo in your cup :)

(Thanks again to Aplus for the post)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Everyone hates this day and with good reason. The holidays have evaporated and of course you didn't manage to squeeze in all the activities you had planned.

So to make today a little easier here's a special bulked up Wednesday Dump. Let's get it started:

A Rust Monster Ate My Sword...: Dark World: PC Secret Backgrounds

Speak Out With Your Geek Out – My Manifesto « Elf Steaks & Halfling Bacon

For Day 4 of Speak Out With Your Geek Out, I will make a few promises to myself:

1. I will not suffer Geek Shame. For most of my life, when people asked me about my hobbies, I usually answered with reading, grilling, computer games, computer hacking, etc., but I always shied away from the role-playing games. No more. I will make that one of the first things I mention, if not the first. I’m through with Geek Shame.

For the remainder go to:

Make it a double:

Thinking Aloud – Samurai Jack As An RPG Setting « Elf Steaks & Halfling Bacon

I recently received a treat from Netflix: Disc 1 of Season 1 of Samurai Jack. I had watched it intermittently while it was on Cartoon Network and enjoyed it immensely. While I watched the original episodes, it occurred to me that the world of Samurai Jack would be a wonderful setting for a role-playing game.

Read More:

Musings from the Dungeon: Being a Better GM-series-(so far)

Musings from the Dungeon: Being a Better GM part 1: Stealing and Skinning

Musings from the Dungeon: Being a Better GM part 2: Feeling and Thinking

Musings from the Dungeon: Being a Better GM part 3: NPCs

Wombat's Gaming Den of Iniquity: Schrodinger's Gun GMing: Ready, Fire, Aim (cover page for series)

The Complete Rules For Games - Rock, Paper, Shotgun

(from the blog)

I love rules. Not following them, of course – that’s for other people. I love writing them. And since I’m the best qualified to decide how everyone else is allowed to behave, it’s only appropriate that I be in charge of everything. So it is that I have been making clear the Rules For Games, both for developers and for players, in an ongoing series that shall be added to forever. You can find the first four parts below.

Even though it refers more to video games it is still worth the read.

Find the whole thing here:

Green Skeleton Gaming Guild: Pathfinder Gamma World!

(from the blog)

Sadly doesn't seem like the Warlords of the Apocalypse will ever see the light of day... I had pre-ordered it but after countless delays I asked for and got my money back on it. If it ever does come out I'll pick it up, since I'm a sucker for P.A. RPG's. Meanwhile I did find a homebrew Gamma World (4th edition, NOT 4E) Pathfinder compatible conversion.

Get the linkage and full story:

That's get out there and play...only 2 days to the weekend :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tips for Running Narrative Combats-New Oerth Journal Available-The First Scholar Passes

Tips for Running Narrative Combats: No Minis or Maps Required - Gnome Stew, the Game Mastering Blog

(from the blog)

Over in the Suggestion Pot, Gnome Stew reader renner asked us to write an article on this topic:

How do you handle a narrative combat? Mainly, if you are used to miniatures and maps, and don’t want to use them anymore.

Prior to D&D 3.0, the majority of RPGs used narrative combat — IE, combat that’s largely descriptive, with a sketchy map if a map is used at all. From D&D 3e’s launch onwards, battlemap-driven combat, complete with minis, grids, and tactical movement, has become much more common and popular. (For simplicity, I’m going to call the latter “tactical combat” from here on out.)

New Oerth Journal

Issue #26 is now available!

The First Scholar Passes

(from the blog)

Glenn Lord, the World's #1 Howard Fan and Mentor to so many of us, passed away on December 31, 2011

Sunday, January 1, 2012


(I was going to hold this till later in the week but what the hell, Happy New Year everyone and best wishes for the year ahead and whatever your hopes and dreams might be may they all come true).

So you got your Pathfinder Beginners Box for Christmas and have been enjoying taking it all in.

How about some extras? At no charge?

Here's a few items that you may not have grabbed yet to expand the experience.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box Player Pack
(from the website)

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box Player Pack provides new character creation options for Pathfinder players, including a complete character class: the powerful berserker known as the barbarian! Kit out your character with tons of new adventure gear and alchemical items, dominate combat with new feats and spells, and spruce up your character with new class options for clerics, fighters, rogues, and wizards! Take your Beginner Box characters to the next level with these exciting tips and tricks!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box GM Kit
(from the website)

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box GM Kit arms Game Masters with new options and opportunities, from a complete adventure that picks up where the Beginner Box's Black Fang's Dungeon, left off to new monsters like the deadly minotaur and the giant black widow spider! Piles of new magical weapons, armor, and other treasures beef up your campaign's rewards, and tips on converting standard Pathfinder adventures for use with the Beginner Box extend the life and variety of your Pathfinder campaigns.

Beginner Box Bash Demos
(from the website)

Four mini-adventures, specifically designed for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beginner Box. These adventures allow a GM and players to expand their experience of the Beginner Box. Each of the included adventures revolve around Sandpoint and are set in four different areas of Varisia. The adventures can be run as a sequel to Black Fang's Dungeon found in the Game Master's Guide.

Character Sheet
(from the website)

Download this colorful two-sided character sheet to record every detail of your custom hero, from ability scores and skill bonuses to weaponry and treasures. Special sections help you record your character's triumphs, including monsters killed and most damage dealt!

Pre-generated Characters
(from the website)

Pregenerated Characters

Jump right into the action with this helpful pregenerated character packet! Take on the role of Valeros the fighter, Kyra the cleric, Merisiel the rogue, or Ezren the wizard with these digital copies of the 1st-level characters included in the Beginner Box.

Pathfinder Society Character Creation Guide
(from the website)

Ready for the next step from the Beginner Box? This guide provides a step–by–step walkthrough of the Pathfinder Society character creation process while referring you back to the Hero's Handbook. These instructions allow for a seamless transition from the Beginner Box to Pathfinder Society play.

And last but not least:

Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box
(from the website)

This page describes Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box, the new free application from Lone Wolf Development.

What's Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box?

* Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box is a separate, free version of Hero Lab that only supports Paizo's Pathfinder Beginner Box.

* Unlike the regular version of Hero Lab, Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box is free for all users! That means that anyone can download and use it to create Beginner Box characters or manage Beginner Box encounters.

* Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box supports the character creation rules from the Hero's Handbook and Player Pack, as well as allowing the creation of monsters from the Gamemaster's Guide and GM Kit.

* Players can create characters from any of the Beginner Box races and classes and advance them from levels 1 to 5. GMs can create monsters and entire encounters, and manage them using Hero Lab's powerful Tactical Console.

Check out our Starter Edition FAQ for more information about Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box!

Get it here:

So grab these goodies and I will be on the hunt for other items that will help you get the most bang for the buck out of the PBB.

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