Just a bit to confirm everything is alive and well here at CRoA.
I have been doing some cleanup on the Eternal Keep and the other news aggregators I run and getting some much needed game time in playing Elder Sign (I'm hooked-ordered the entire Arkham Horror setup - FFG rocks just ever so slightly :)
The CRoA ezine has been changing. James is getting back in the swing of things over at Underdark Gazette so rather than end up with double coverage I'm pushing out a little more to the boundaries and adding some new categories of coverage. I hope everyone finds something they like in every issue. There will be announcements and such but I really want to expose things that have just really impressed me lately.
Forsaken Souls is being re-built to take advantage of new material and a new approach to its debut. More on that soon.
Now that my Arkham Horror collection is complete (a whole other story to that mess-me and Amazon are going to have to have a chat about some things) and I am finally getting over whatever bug I've had things are picking back up.
Ok, back to silicon mines...
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