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Thursday, May 31, 2012

News-Views & Dues

So it's been a bit since a post, but it happens when you jump head first into way to many projects not anticipating a mechanical nightmare that lies in wait at the bottom of the pool.

Oh, and don't EVER buy ANYTHING with Windows 7 if you can avoid it. I just thought Vista sucked.

So, much typing and researching for the two zines in the works, building the new Classic Realms website and preparing to migrate completely over to Tumblr for my short term blogging needs.

It would seem with all of Bloggers changes they have now decided to offer the very reasons I have stayed to dynamic view pages only and that finally tears it. Half the time the page is blank when I pull one up and the other half I can only see it if I disable the functionality of Noscript which means as soon as Blogger and Google offer me a click jack free surfing experience I will turn off Noscript...and since I don't see that happening, get the idea.

One upside to coding your own site means no noise in the code. Super fast html without everyone nosing in your business.

So soon my blogs will all point in the same direction and I hope it is a worthwhile trip.

With the flexibility of doing my own web design I will be able to offer gaming material for download, videos to watch on all aspects of gaming, the home base for Forsaken Souls, The Dragon's Eye, Darkness over Dunwich and of course Classic Realms of Adventure.

Until I am able to put on staff most of my online posting will be of the announcement nature.

And since everyone and their brother seems per-occupied with Wizards and their sleight-of-hand routine it's probably a good time to take a break. I just thought I was burned out at the holidays. This computer situation has just about ground me down and it still isn't resolved.

So it's time to refuel the tanks, recharge the batteries, enjoy a rather large stack of new films and watch some old favorites. And then there is that Arkham Horror board haunting me over on the main game table...madness only moments away...

Ok, just a bit to say still kickin' and hopefully by fall I can have everything fully implemented.

Till next time...

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