The above is now active.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So just as a way of shorthand in the future when I mention the 'red pen' it means the final edit is being completed. I am still very old school when it comes to a final edit and whenever possible print out a hard copy when I think it is near completion for catching little things that I often overlook on the screen.

DEEP DELVE has reached 'red pen' stage. There is much chaos about the ranch right now but starting tomorrow I should have the time to finish the red pen read through, and make the corrections.

There will be 3 downloads available-the rules, the character sheet and a 20 area Encounter Map to get things started. I have also updated the design notes and have included all of them in the back for anyone who wants to see if a particular item was included or not for a reason. That saves time on whether it's a design feature or a bug :) (EDIT: A total of 4 files have been released and are packaged in a zip file. The extra file is a simple tracking journal for the map locations)

I hope to finish this over the next 24 hours so I can compile the first issue of the CRoA zine. The release schedule is currently weekly and will be posted every Friday by 12:00pm with a closing time of 12:00pm Thursday for that issue.

The contents page will be organized to take advantage of the search feature in pdf readers. The page is organized by category with the individual entry titles so that you can enter either the category name and scroll through all the articles or the title of a particular article and go directly to it.

The issues will cover the week in review in the community giving you a chance to catch up on weekends starting Friday at noon. All entries will include the blog, title of the post and the first paragraph of the post with a link taking you to the full post.If I feel any commentary is necessary (NSFW warnings, etc) those will be included as well.

Whatever your interests may be in the community I hope this zine proves to be a useful guide, putting the material in front of you in an organized and fast access format.If there is one thing we all seem to have in common it is the time factor involved in the hobby and how real life eats away huge chunks of time so I want this to be as easy and positive a reading experience as possible.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

When It Rains...Well...It Sux

Tech update:

Seems it's that time when all the gear decides to die. Now the wireless router is going out along with the hard wire ports. So tomorrow will hopefully be fix it day and allow me to go ahead and switch the hub out as well to that 10 port beast I've been looking to hook up.

Anyway, work will continue after this brief intermission for IT (that would be me) to step in and do a little dance. I promise you-it will not be pretty... :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yup - I'm Still At It

Just doing an extended recovery. Have been working on filling in the holes and re-arranging some parts to make it flow better. I have way to many ideas that I want to work in and I have to keep logging them and telling myself no. But I think that is a good thing. Better to feel the flow than be sitting there staring at that blank white expanse of the wide screen monitor and listening to the crickets chirping in your head. So it's all good.

It has certainly fired me back up again. I had put away everything I had been reading on theory and structure but I find myself going back into the stacks and pulling things back out.

I know there are folks waiting to take a look at this and I hope it proves a useful effort. It has helped me and if I can help others while psychologically refreshing myself then I'll be happy.

So, until next time, thanks for checking in. If I could just shake whatever bug this was better, hope the trend continues tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Yes, still alive, just been under the weather the last few and have poured every minute I could stand to look at the screen into DEEP DELVE.

I'm now sorting and finishing alpha build 0.5 so this week is my target. There are already things I want to change but I'm going to leave that until this version is up.

Ok, now if someone could just make this room stop spinning.


Thursday, September 8, 2011


Finishing work on my second server rebuild in 2 weeks. This always happens at such opportune times.

Fear not. Tomorrow should see the end of software installation and a resumption of work. I'm as ready to see this beast as you guys are.

Then it's back to FORSAKEN SOULS to take a fresh look and see where things are on that project (it had turned into gibberish I had looked at it so much) and then I think I'll take a week and see what ideas come to me on the layout of the new zine.

I really want this to be an easy access fast information funnel that will offer straight forward material as well as make the connections of topics easy to recognize. Blogs offer that unique ability to reference each other and build off of a common challenge or theme in a fast and free wheeling way. It reminds me of how we used to get together (the 3 DMs of the original group I was involved with) have a cold one and discuss the game on what would now probably be considered a meta-level.

I know there has been a lot of discussion lately about some of the things that have occupied the blogosphere of late and I find a great benefit in these things whether they fire my imagination or just make me chuckle they offer a new way of looking at the issues in gaming that drive it like a great piston across the gaming landscape.

To keep it fresh I'm going to test a few ideas about frequency, length and content. And you good folk will play a large part in that. I will be asking for press releases, emails, anything that forms the basis of announcement or draws my attention to something you have found that seems like a good fit. As always, all feedback is greatly appreciated.

If I could just get back in the position of hiring even one person on as staff - helping the economy a bit :) - I could get so much more accomplished. I hope over the next few months to at least take on an intern (I live in a city with 4 colleges) and then move them into a paying position. So many things that even one extra person could help out with would quadruple my output (ask my wife, she has told enough people I can squeeze $100 worth of good out of a $10 bill :).

Oh well, back to it. Back-ups await.


Monday, September 5, 2011


Zero production today. After rounds of storms, flickering power and other events not conducive to actually getting anything accomplished.

But we are near and after a discussion with James over at the Underdark Gazette I have decided to launch a zine covering news in the scene ( I am a huge fan of the work he has done in that arena and look forward to his return). So I really want to start wrapping this project up and starting work on the first issue. More details to follow but for the time being the zine title will be the same as this blog and cover O.S.S. / OSR /Indie and a bit of wargaming/other tabletop games.

Zines come sort of naturally to me. I started my first at 13 and have made them off and on ever since. And with the technology available I have been itching to jump in and cover the scene. I'll start with PDF and see how it goes from there.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I just wanted to take a moment and give a general synopsis of the system design as it approaches it's first public viewing.

Keep in mind this is a game for YOU (a gamer already in most cases if you are reading this) to let someone sit down at a table and play an rpg, possibly for the first time, with the most amount of enjoyment and the least amount of hassle.

This is not deep or complicated design theory at work. This system is designed to insinuate, in a very non-intrusive way, the methods and manners of what a role-playing game is.

It is designed to achieve the following goals:

(1) Introduce the new player to the concept of a character that is played in a fictional setting. There is no stress on player style. They don't have to go all Will Shakespeare to play the game. You neither encourage nor discourage the player unless their actions are on the verge of disrupting play for the rest of the players. They also experience the player character sheet which is designed to be filled out in less than a minute. Encourage them whenever possible to fill out the notes as they go to keep track of things. This will become second nature in a short amount of time.

(2) They are introduced to the concept of the DM (Delve Master) as the person in charge of the session and that they are also their eyes and ears, thus beginning the concept of interaction in the game on a vocal level to accomplish goals and avoid danger.

(3) They are introduced to the dice mechanic in rpgs by a simple yet flexible system. By using a sub-system that is simple math without a lot of modifiers and exceptions they begin to understand how the abstract (dice) represents the reality (random fate) in the game world much as blind luck does in real life. It is suggested that notes are made as they progress, but in many cases the components on the tabletop are self-defining and self-tracking.

(4) They are introduced to the concept of role-playing by way of the Parley rule, where players are able to interact with other players (and some creatures) without the need for combat. When a player joins a game session (which they can at any time and leave at anytime) they can play Solo, meaning they are on their own and other characters are treated and treat them as competition, or they can try and join a group of players and work together to achieve common goals and provide protection for each other. However they choose to play the road they walk to get there is role-playing, the verbal and most important element of the game and that which separates it from every other form of gaming.

(5) They are introduced to the concept of combat and how to think out situations while at the same time reviewing their available resources to see how they might aid them. Whether it is by virtue of a 'found' weapon in the combat area or use of powers, or how to avoid damage and how to heal themselves if they fail to avoid to do so, they learn about risk management in a subtle fashion that is made clear every step of the way.

(6) They are introduced to the concept of reward for their actions. This comes full circle when they have went through the first 5 points and then can see the 'pay off ' in this concept.

The idea is to allow a person to experience the concepts of role playing games without overwhelming them in the first 15 minutes with words they don't understand and abstract numbers that don't make sense. I have tried to craft a Unified Field Theory of Introduction to Role-Playing and look forward to feedback from everyone. And remember, I know all the things that can be added...I've tried to find the limits on how much can be subtracted and still have fun and instill the spirit to make them ask the most important question-'When can we play again?'

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

-Albert Einstein

EDIT: I did leave one item off the above list that I try to touch on conceptually and that is Exploration.

Movement and Exploration are dealt with in a simple mechanic like those noted above but provide the player with the concept of location and movement, activity within and extraction from that location.

The idea that different locations present different challenges is the theme of the concept as presented in DDRPG in an abstract manner.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Worked on some small generic character sheets today and getting the rest of the tables in for the alpha. I'm on the 4th build. If I don't spot any glaring errors I'm going to post the work in progress on the 5th build of the alpha. Just enough to get someone able to play through a scenario. Most of the major stuff will be in place and it will just be feedback from players and expansion of certain areas (LOTS more encounters, etc) before the beta 1st build goes up.

There will be 3 items to download to begin with:

The Player Character Sheets

The 12 Encounter Map (small session-might suggest using these in tandem to create larger areas more battlemat style and make it easier for items to be placed and moved on the encounter map)

The All In One Rules Booklet (If you like the idea of keeping DM and Player material separate let me know so that I can divide it into 2 separate files.)

Back to the Underworld

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